This plugin is part of search plugin system
This search plugin will get results from, also known as MTV.
Requires username and password. (your usual login credentials)
username: xxxxxxx
password: xxxxxxx
category: TV
all_tags: yes #match no matter what tag the search results have
action, adventure, animation, anime, art, asian, biography, celebrities, comedy, cooking, crime, cult, documentary, drama, educational, elclasico, family, fantasy, film.noir, filmromanesc, food, football, formula.e, formula1, gameshow, highlights, history, horror, investigation, lifestyle, liga1, ligabbva, ligue1, martial.arts,, motogp, musical, mystery, nba, news, other, performance, philosophy, politics, reality, romance, romanian.content, science, scifi, short, silent, sitcom, sketch, sports, talent, tennis, thriller, uefachampionsleague, uefaeuropaleague, ufc, war, western, wta
Tags are what you'd expect from defining a typical genre that you wish to get entries from. Use case would likely be for more generic downloading and not targeting specific shows/movies.
Normally, you'd just want to use all_tags: yes
Say you want to perform a search on mtv using your input entries, and the entries are all TV shows. You can do that using the discover plugin.
- next_series_episodes: yes
- morethantv:
username: '{? mtv.username ?}'
password: '{? mtv.password ?}'
- HD Episode
all_tags: yes
Morethantv plugin includes extra information about torrents in the search result, letting you access them in your config.